The school email system is down so I’m posting camp information here. Please forward this information to your peers.
We’ll be operating out of Chinook next week (8/3 – 8/7). We’ll start out in front of CMS at 9:00. Please be a few minutes early. We’ll rehearse 9-12, have a one hour lunch break and finish at 4:00 each day.
Here’s what you’ll need:
- sunscreen
- water (feel free to bring a cooler if you wish, you’ll want lots of cold water)
- hat
- sunglasses
- good athletic shoes (no flip flops, sandals or bare feet)
- cool, comfortable clothes that you can move in
- music, pencil and instrument
- sack lunch or money to go get lunch
- $75 coaching fee made out to BPA
- optional- add $25 to your check to have meals provided at all four marching shows
We have a really great show. Excited to see all of you on Monday.